
Business Task Manager

Business Task Manager

A task management app with AI integration

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In-Depth Description

This app helps businesses manage their tasks efficiently with AI integration. It allows for organizing categories to tasks to descriptions, progress tracking, team collaboration and AI-powered generative templates based on the prompt about their business.

Tech Stack

Next.js, Typescript, Tailwind, Firestore, Webhooks, OpenAI API


Improves task management and productivity in business environments.

Development Process

The app was built with HTTP only Cookies authentication, Firestore for database management, and OpenAI API for AI integration. Webhooks were used to trigger real time team collaboration. React context was used for state management. The app was deployed on Vercel for optimized performance and scalability.

Job Application Tracker

Job Application Tracker

A job application tracker and AI resume builder/tailoring

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In-Depth Description

This app enables users to efficiently track their job applications and customize their resumes according to specific job descriptions. The customization process involves uploading their resume, which is then captured as a screenshot using Puppeteer for web scraping. This image is stored in a Firebase storage bucket and saved to a Mongoose database. Users can upload a job description from any tracked application, which is sent to the OpenAI API to generate a tailored resume in HTML format. This HTML is then converted into a downloadable PDF, providing a seamless and personalized resume optimization experience. The Puppeteer service is hosted on Render, and the app is deployed on Vercel.

Tech Stack

Next.js, Typescript, Tailwind, MongoDB, OpenAI API


Streamlines the job application process and enhances resume customization.

Development Process

The project involved creating a user-friendly interface with React and handling backend operations with Node.js and MongoDB. The OpenAI API was used for AI-driven resume tailoring.

My Freelancing Website

My Freelancing Website

My freelance web development website

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In-Depth Description

A bussiness my friend and I started to help clients with their web development needs. We offer a variety of services including web design, web development, and SEO optimization all they can purchase directly from the website using Stripe.

Tech Stack

Next.js, Tailwind CSS, MongoDB, Stripe


Helps potential clients learn about my services and see examples of my work.

Development Process

Built with Next.js for server-side rendering and Tailwind CSS for styling. Deployed on Vercel for optimized performance and scalability.

Dating App (Not Live)

Dating App (Not Live)

A dating app with a matching algorithm but the app is not live

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In-Depth Description

A dating app designed with a unique matching algorithm to connect compatible users.

Tech Stack

React, PostgreSQL, Spring Boot, Java


Enhances user experience in finding compatible matches.

Development Process

This app I built with a friend I wrote the front end in React and he wrote the back end in Java using Spring Boot. We used a PostgreSQL database to store user information and match them based on their preferences.